
We make your practice secure and compliant with provincial and federal regulations (Fully PIPEDA compliant). We take all the necessary steps to ensure your practice data is always safe and secure.

Security is a top priority for Colib

Data Loss Protection

With Colib, your data is backed up every day.

Data Encryption

Colib Data is encrypted using 256 bit encryption when sent between your device and our servers (in the same way as your banking information would be). Furtheremore, our data and files are encrypted at Rest in our databases located exclusively in Canada.

Annual Employee Training

We conduct annual training sessions for all company employees. During these sessions, we communicate to our staff our clear procedures in place to handle and report any suspicious activity to our Chief Privacy Officer.

No Payment Information Stored

No credit card data is stored onto our platform. When you enter credit card information into our platform, Colib creates and keeps a token that can be used to reference that information. But the actual sensitive information is sent to and stored within our payment partner Stripe, which holds the highest security certification in the industry.